The investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund. EKP website in Slovenia: http://www.eu-skladi.si/
Name of the operation: Optimization of business processes and organization of the company Garex d.o.o.
Abbreviation of operation: OPPG
Description of the operation with the purpose and objectives of the operation:
The operation includes the reorganization of the company's operations, with an emphasis on the modernization of business processes which will contribute to cost savings, time optimization, more efficient communication and achieving greater added value per employee. The latter will enable the company to improve its business metrics in the domestic market and to expand more actively to foreign markets.
The complete reorganisation of the company processes includes:
Refreshing the organizational chart and determining the process holders.It includes an overview of the organizational scheme, its possible improvements, and above all the consistent allocation of responsibility over individual processes in the company.
An account of processes and introduction of a control system over implementation. Processes will be mapped, modelled and optimized on all key business functions. Each process will have its holder on the basis of an organizational scheme, which will have to take care of the consistent implementation of the process. If necessary, new IT tools will also be introduced to support the implementation of the process.
Process optimization will include the following areas:
Leadership and management - Increasing efficiency in the administration of basic activity and general affairs, greater and better connectivity of support systems and the installation of the SAP system or paperless system, greater automation of data processing (less manual work), better management with increased complexity and the introduction of the Documentary System.
Sales - Renovation of business sales processes will include the definition of market segments, list of potential customers, products, sales process, customer acquisition cost, customer life value, minimum orders for individual products, introductory letters for customers and other sales elements.
Staff - Modernization of personnel processes to constantly hire qualified new personnel, appropriate "on-boarding" process. The renewal of processes will also affect the new systematization of jobs and active investment in increasing staff competencies.
Finance - The aim is a systematic approach to identify losses and reduce the company's expenses. Due to current operations, we have problems to track the entertaining expenses, so we want to introduce greater transparency. We also want to reduce the financing costs related to the purchase of receivables.
Financial support:
The operation is partly funded by the EU from the European Regional Development Fund. The operation is implemented within the Operational Program for the Implementation of European Cohesion Policy in the period 2014-2020.
Results of operation:
The implementation of the project will improve the competitiveness of the company from several aspects, namely:
Increase the value-added per employee - Process optimization will increase the company's productivity, which will contribute to greater added value per employee, which in turn means greater competitiveness of the company. It is also worth mentioning that there will be fewer errors in the provision of services.
Hiring and training of personnel - Good staff is a key competitive advantage. The modernisation of processes will improve the recruitment and introduction of new staff. The company will also be able to invest more actively in existing staff.
The increasing technological advantage in the market - By renovating the processes, the company will make and implement innovations faster, including in foreign markets. This includes technologies for conducting digital campaigns. With a new organisation of processes and standardization of service, the company will be able to provide service to a whole new segment of customers.
Cost optimization - based on lower costs, the company will be able to offer a lower price of technological solutions in the field of telecommunications and digital advertising, which will directly contribute to better competitiveness in the market.

The investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.
Name of the operation: Breakthrough of Slovenian Smart Lighting in the Irish Market (Par-20-22- SPRI)
Description of the operation The operation called Breakthrough of Slovenian Smart Lighting in the Irish Market (Operation Abbreviation: SPRI) is the integration of complementary product solutions of three members of a project partnership into the offer of a comprehensive smart LED lighting system in order to facilitate the penetration of each of the partner companies in the target foreign market.
PurposeThe purpose of the operation is to successfully penetrate into a new foreign market, Ireland, through the co-financing of eligible costs under the Call for Proposals "Promoting Partnerships for More Effective Performance on Foreign Markets 2020-2022".
Objectives of the operation:
To obtain key information related to the foreign market and preparing a strategy for entering the foreign market
Participation at fairs
Preparation and distribution of promotional materials
Strengthening the competencies of employees in the field of penetrating foreign markets
Entry of all 3 project partners into a new foreign market (Ireland)
Results of the operation:
1 business plan made
1 marketing plan made
At least 3 cooperation agreements concluded
Participating at least 6 training courses
Participating at least 6 training sessions
Revenue generated in foreign markets
You can read more about grants and EU funds at www.eu-skladi.si

Garex d.o.o. and Impedance d.o.o. they received a grant for a project entitled "Platform for Intelligent Management, Data Analysis with Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for Smart Cities" in the Call for Incentives for Research and Development Projects 2, launched by the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology.
The companies received a total grant of € 299,996.92, and the investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.
Description and purpose of the operation
The operation will develop a user-friendly platform for intelligent smart city infrastructure management, which will enable an optimal analysis of large amounts of data, which will be achieved by incorporating machine learning and artificial intelligence.
Description of the operation
The operation will develop a user-friendly platform for intelligent smart city infrastructure management, which will enable an optimal analysis of large amounts of data, which will be achieved by incorporating machine learning and artificial intelligence.
Results of the operation
The project will use the most advanced technology, such as advanced program code to perform optimal analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), mass data processing (Big data), and machine learning. The mentioned technology will enable that based on developed protocols or models resulting from machine learning will be automatically controlled by lighting. Based on innovative analytics, artificial intelligence, maintenance, and other environmental events will be effectively predicted. With machine learning and artificial intelligence, we will enable more efficient data understanding and open API development.
The goal of the operation:
To obtain key information related to the foreign market and preparing a strategy for entering the foreign market
Participation at fairs
Preparation and distribution of promotional materials
Strengthening the competencies of employees in the field of penetrating foreign markets
Entry of all 3 project partners into a new foreign market (Ireland)
Results of the operation:
Automation of lamp operation
Optimal analytical data processin
User-friendly platform for displaying data
Fast and efficient integration with other systems
Developed predictive analytics
You can read more about grants and EU funds at www.eu-skladi.si.
The investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.